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Tired of struggling to lose those last 10-15lbs? Sick of suffering through low carb, low fat, low everything diets? OVER doing seemingly everything right yet being left with nothing more than a slow metabolism and unbearable cravings?

It's time to put an end to the madness and FINALLY get you the body transformation you've been dreaming of for years!

Reset Transform Program Banner. Amanda Simmers sitting in kitchen with a chocolate bar.

Imagine if you could...

... get in the best shape of your life, and stay that way forever!


... speed up your metabolism and turn your body into a fat burning machine!


... become the healthiest version of you, and have the fit, toned body to show for it!

... eat all your favorite foods while achieving the body transformation of your dreams!

"Reset & Transform" was designed to help you achieve all this, and more!

Meet Coach Amanda!

Amanda Simmers before and after picture. Transformation picture.

You're probably wondering who I am, how I became a coach and whether this program is right for you...So let me tell you a little bit about myself.

It wasn't long ago that I was in your shoes.

For 15 years of my life I was, what I would call, a "chronic dieter".

I thought that to get the body of my dreams I just needed to find a diet that I could stick to, and do at least an hour of cardio every day.

I tried going low calorie, low carb and low fat.


I tried using meal replacement shakes, diet pills and following the Whole 30 diet.


I even tried some more advanced diets like intermittent fasting and carb cycling.

On top of all of that I was doing tons of cardio and HIIT workouts because that's what I thought would get me results.

Like most people, I would lose weight while suffering through these boring and restrictive diets, but I could never keep the weight off once it was finished.

This drove me crazy! 😤

Why was I putting in all this work just to end up right back where I started?

I had no idea, but I just didn't see any other way to go about it.

It wasn't until I gained 85lbs during my first pregnancy that I realized something had to change.

I knew, based on past experiences, that I could lose weight by dieting, but I didn't believe that I could keep it off again.

So in an effort to solve my problem I decided to register for a course to become a Personal Trainer and Nutrition Coach.

I figured it would be a great way to learn about how weight loss works and at the same time it would allow me to help others on the same journey I was on.

I began implementing some of the things I'd learned and to my surprise the weight started to drop off! 🤩

Not only that, I was beginning to see muscle tone and my abs were becoming visible!

I focused on eating a nutritious, balanced diet and doing strength training workouts only 3-4 times a week!

It didn't take long for me to realize that I had finally found the secret to lasting weight loss and I just knew I had to start sharing it with others.

That's when I started to piece together my signature coaching method that I would then go on to teach to hundreds of women all over the world.

One after the other, they each started seeing incredible results!

Losing inches off their waist, dropping jean sizes, feeling re-energized and alive!

The best part was that they were able to achieve all of this while still eating their favorite foods and only needing to workout 3-4 times a week, max.

There's no reason why you, too, can't achieve these same results.

All you need to do is take the first step and click the link below to get started!

Britt achieved this incredible transformation in just 6 months!

"This program became an invaluable investment of both time and money, providing me with long-lasting results. Overall, this program exceeded my expectations, and I highly encourage anyone on the fence to just say yes!" - Britt

Reset and transform client transformation

Here's how we'll TRANSFORM your body over the next 6 months...

4 Phases Of Fat Loss


The first month inside the program is all about helping you to reset your metabolism and prime your body for a successful fat loss phase.

You'll learn the secrets behind achieving long term weight loss results and you'll begin to create healthy habits to last a lifetime.

You'll do this inside a private Facebook group, alongside a group of other incredible women who will be cheering you along every step of the way!

Additionally you'll be assigned your very own online coach (either myself, Apryl or Tessa) and you'll be given access to my exclusive app along with workouts that are designed specifically for you!


After you've completed your first month, you'll work directly with your coach to complete your very first first fat loss phase.

You'll be provided with an updated exercise plan that includes strength training, cardio and daily steps (these are updated every 4-5 weeks), along with daily calorie and protein targets designed to help you drop body fat without losing muscle or damaging your health.

This is the phase where the lbs and inches melt away and all of your hard work pays off!


You can't stay in a fat loss phase forever, so in month 5 you'll work together with your coach to build your calories back up and reduce the amount of cardio workouts you're doing.

We do this slowly and carefully so you can re-ignite your metabolism again without gaining any weight back.

(This is a crucial part of the process which most people miss when dieting, which is why they tend to lose all their progress within a few months of finishing a diet.)


Finally, you'll spend one month eating at maintenance calories and giving yourself a bit of a break from cardio so you can prepare yourself to either enter into another fat loss phase (if you have more weight to lose) or move on to eating intuitively, without tracking.

By this point you will have dropped body fat, developed healthy habits, fired up your metabolism and toned your muscles.

You'll be eating more food than ever before and you'll have the tools, knowledge and experience to continue doing so into the future without gaining weight back again.

Amy achieved this incredible transformation in just 6 months!

"With this program I feel that I am just living my life and making a few adjustments here and there. I just feel like I am regaining who I was and that is priceless!" - Amy

Reset and Transform Client Transformation

Here's exactly what we focus on to create life-changing results...

Reset and Transform Program Topics

Torching Body Fat - in a healthy way!

Trust me when I say, we've tried to burn fat the 'un-healthy' way many times before (through fad diets, over-exercising and under-eating) and not only does it make you miserable, you rarely hold on to the results at the end of it.

That's why inside Reset & Transform we have you follow the 4 phases of fat loss - a science-backed method to help you not only burn fat but keep it off for good.

As you progress through the program you'll learn about what your body needs nutritionally, and you'll un-learn a lot of the misinformation you've picked up over the years that have kept you stuck in a negative relationship with food.

Yes, you'll also be doing some cardio workouts - but only sparingly when you absolutely need it. (because who likes cardio, right!?)

Building Strong Muscles - that fire up your metabolism!

Strong muscles aren't just for show, they also help to support a healthy metabolism, which directly influences the rate in which you break down the food you eat.

Why is this important? Well, if your metabolism is slow, and your body is taking a long time to break down foods and extract the energy from them, you'll feel sluggish, weak and tired which can lead you to eating more food than you need and moving your body less.

That's just a recipe for weight gain, which is why inside Reset & Transform our clients follow a strength training program 2-4 days a week, focus on consuming enough protein and make their sleep a priority to help those muscles grow!

Don't worry - we won't have you walking away looking like an amazon woman, instead you'll feel stronger, look leaner and have more energy than you've had in years!

Creating Healthy Habits - that make weight loss easier!

Can you imagine trying to transform your body while you're tired, stressed out and even dehydrated? Neither can we. Which is why healthy habits are so crucial to your long term weight loss success.

Inside Reset & Transform we have you focus on a maintaining a variety of different healthy habits that make your life easier when both losing weight and keeping it off.

We'll help you stay active with daily steps, reduce stress with mindfulness exercises and improve your sleep and hydration by tracking everything through our app.

By the end of this program these habits will be just another part of your daily life, helping you feel healthier and more energized as they support you on this journey through your transformation.

Hear from clients inside the program right now:

Reset & Transform Client Testimonial.
Reset & Transform Client Testimonial.
Reset & Transform Client Testimonial.
Reset & Transform Client Testimonial.
Reset & Transform Client Testimonial.
Reset & Transform Client Testimonial.
Reset & Transform Client Testimonial.

When you join you get access to...

📲 A Coach In Your Pocket - There With You 7 Days/Week

We know how easy it is to fall off track with your fitness and nutrition when you don't have anyone there holding you accountable.

That's why when you join Reset & Transform you'll be assigned your very own coach to guide you on this journey every step of the way.

We'll be there through the up's and downs, answering your questions and cheering you along to make sure you get the absolute most out of this experience.

💪 Fun & Effective Workouts That Fit Your Schedule

We're busy moms just like you, and we don't like spending any more time working out than we have to, so we've perfected the art of designing workouts that are quick, effective and (believe it or not) totally enjoyable!

We deliver these workouts to you through our app, along with how-to videos and a progress tracker that gamifies your workouts and celebrates your wins.

🍎 Nutrition Guidance & Healthy Meal Ideas

Eating healthy doesn't have to be bland, boring or stressful.

We would know because we're massive foodies and we've been able to achieve our health & fitness goals while still eating all the foods we love - and you can too!

We'll help you understand what your body needs to thrive, and how you can get that through the foods you already enjoy, so you don't feel like you're missing out.

Oh, and we give you tons of healthy meal ideas that the whole family will love!

📱 Access To Our Exclusive App - To Track All Your Amazing Progress

On top of your workout schedule and nutrition goals, our app also helps you keep track of your healthy habits, stores your progress photos (privately), and keeps you in constant contact with your coach.

You'll check in with the app on a daily basis so you can stay on track with everything and keep accountable to your goals.

💻 6 Month Living Balanced & Inspired Online Membership

This is our exclusive online membership for clients who join our programs.

Inside you'll get access to a growing library of extra recipes, workouts, meal ideas and so much more to support you on this journey and maximize your results.

You'll also find some pretty awesome, likeminded women inside the membership, who will be there to cheer you along every step of the way.


You might even make some life-long friends so you'll always have someone to talk to about fitness and nutrition that 'gets it'!

Kristin achieved this incredible transformation in just 12 months!

"Amanda has taught me life long lessons on eating balanced and lifting heavy.  I appreciate that she meets me where I’m at and gives me grace or hard love depending on what I need. She has taught me that changing habits take time, but I’ve found that the mental and physical benefits to be worth every step." - Kristen

Reset and Transform Client Transformation

By the end of the 6 month program...

🤩 You'll have lost those last few lbs & inches for the very last time*

Every client that works with us inside Reset & Transform for the full length of the program has lost lbs and inches off their body.

Some clients lose more (like Amy who lost 16lbs & 14 inches) and some lose less (like Kim who lost 3.7lbs & 5.25 inches).

The results you achieve will be dependant on a variety of different factors, including how much weight you have to lose, however what we do know, with certainty, is that whatever you do lose you'll keep off long term if you continue to implement what you learn inside R&T.

🤩 Your clothes will be fitting better (and you might even need a new wardrobe!)*

Many of our clients tell us that even as soon as two months into the program their clothes are starting to fit much better!


Like Peggy who told us she was able to fit back into her old jeans, and Lisa who said she had to go out and buy new pants and shorts!

We can't promise a drop in dress size, or even the need for a brand new wardrobe, but what we do know is that all clients who complete the 6 month program tell us that by the end they're looking and feeling better in clothes (and out!).

🤩 You'll be eating more food than ever before, without guilt, shame or fear.*

We know just how damaging food guilt and shame can be, which is why we tackle it in month one, so you can re-program your way of thinking and actually give your body the fuel it needs to thrive.

Many of our clients tell us that after the Reset Phase (month one) the guilt and shame that had been holding them back for years is now gone!

Like Nicole who told us "I don't feel guilty eating carbs anymore, or pizza!".

🤩 You'll feel totally in control of your weight and you'll never need to fad diet again*

When most clients come to us they feel like they have no control over their weight and the years of fad dieting they've suffered through has totally destroyed their metabolism.

As they progress through the program we give them the education, accountability and coaching they need to feel in control of their weight, and equipped to make decisions about their fitness and nutrition, with an understanding of how those decisions will influence their results.

By the end of the program, our clients tend to feel ready to continue on their own, however most choose to stick around, working with their coach on an ongoing basis, purely for the accountability and support we provide!

* Disclaimer: The outcomes mentioned above are based on the typical experiences of participants in our program. Individual results are influenced by various factors, including personal commitment, effort, and adherence to the program. We cannot guarantee specific results, and these claims are not intended to be a promise or guarantee of outcomes. Please consult with a healthcare professional before starting any fitness program.

Meet Our Coaches

Reset and Transform Coach Amanda


Founder, Qualified Personal Trainer & Nutrition Coach

Amanda is a busy mom of 2 from Minnesota (soon to be Utah) with a passion for helping women escape the vicious cycle of yo-yo dieting so they can achieve a body (and mind) transformation that they can hold on to for life.

Her past experiences with fad diets and gaining a whopping 85lbs during her first pregnancy drove her to seek out the truth behind how weight loss works and what she needed to do to achieve sustainable results.

After qualifying as a personal trainer and nutrition coach,

Amanda began to apply what she'd learned and started helping others with it too.

Over a decade later and she's not only in the best shape of her life, she's also helped 300+ others achieve their own life-changing transformations.

Reset and Transform Coach Apryl


Qualified Personal Trainer & Nutrition Coach

Apryl is a busy mom of 2 from Minnesota with a passion for helping women make their health and fitness a priority, without the need to completely overhaul their life.

Her past experiences with gut health issues and hormonal challenges drove her to seek out ways to improve her situation, naturally, through fitness and nutrition.

After discovering what worked for her, she felt compelled to go back to school and qualify as a personal trainer and nutrition coach so she could help others experiencing similar challenges.

Today, Apryl finds so much joy in what she does as a coach inside Reset & Transform because she knows that her story and education are positively impacting others.

Reset and Transform Coach Tessa


Qualified Personal Trainer & Registered Dietician

Tessa is a busy mom of 3 from North Dakota with a passion for helping women develop a healthy lifestyle that supports their body transformation goals.

Her past experience with gaining weight, and feeling trapped in an unhealthy lifestyle after having kids, drove her to seek out new ways to re-build healthy habits and feel good in her skin again.

After realizing that the all-or-nothing mindset was what was holding her back, Tessa began slowly adding new habits into her lifestyle, in a way that felt sustainable for her, and managed to get back to a place where she felt healthy, happy and in control of her body.

Now she helps others do the same inside Reset & Transform!

By now you're probably thinking...
"This all sounds great, but what's the investment?"

We all know that hiring a traditional personal trainer and nutritionist can be a costly investment, however with Reset & Transform we're giving you access to personalized fitness and nutrition coaching at just a fraction of the cost.

Let's do a quick calculation of what you'd pay for a service like this if you were to see a personal trainer and nutritionist in person.


In the US, the average cost for a personal trainer is $50 per hour, and assuming you see them three times a week, that would add up to $600 per month.


On top of that, a nutritionist can cost $100 per hour, and seeing them once a week would add another $400 per month to your total cost.

That's $1,000 per month for traditional fitness and nutrition coaching.

Over 6 months that would set you back a whopping $6,000!

😮 😮 😮


But what if there was a better way?

Reset & Transform offers something even more valuable than traditional personal training and nutrition consultations: a coach in your pocket 24/7!


With our program, you get access to a personal coach who can answer your questions and provide guidance whenever you need it, all without having to schedule appointments or wait for your next session.

And the best part? You get all of this, along with comprehensive education and community support, for SIX MONTHS for just...



That's a fraction of what you would pay for traditional personal training and nutrition coaching, and with our program, you'll have all the tools, guidance, and support you need to become the best, healthiest version of yourself!


So why wait?


Join the next round of Reset & Transform today and start your journey to a complete mind and body transformation that lasts a lifetime!

This program is for you if...

✅ You want to transform your body and become the best version of yourself

✅ You're ready to put in the work and step outside your comfort zone to get results

✅ You're open to trying new things and making changes to your lifestyle

✅ You're coachable and ready to listen and learn

✅ You're ready to invest in your health and finally transform your body for life

This program is not for you if...

You're looking for a quick fix/magic pill

You're not ready to let go of your excuses and do what it takes to get results

You're not willing to track your macros or follow a strength training program

❌ You're not ready to invest both time and money into achieving your goals


❌ You don't want to learn, you just want to be told what to do

❌ You have a serious medical condition

The incredible story of Kate's 6 month transformation!

Reset and Transform client transformation picture

"A year ago I was at my all-time low: My weight was up, my energy levels were low and because I didn’t feel good in my own skin, I found reasons not to go out with friends.


I started looking into some different programs where you would work with a coach, but nothing seemed to fit. It was probably fate that I saw a post from Tessa on Facebook about her new journey as a coach.


When I started the program, I thought I was just getting a nutrition and exercise program, but what I really received was a whole new outlook on life.


I never realized how little sleep I was getting, how much stress that I was internalizing, and honestly how much I hated my appearance.


The program opened my eyes to a whole new reality. And that reality was that I never realized how different weight loss was for women over 40.


I didn’t know I needed it, but the program gave me permission to sleep and understand that my physical and mental health was just as important as anybody else’s.


I have been in the program now for over seven months and I love it. I love it because I don’t feel like I’m dieting, I feel like I’m living (and creating some muscle along the way).


Amanda and Tessa have opened my eyes to the fact that the negative talk about myself only brings me lower. They’ve opened my eyes to the fact that we are not all built the same and the number on the scale does not define who I am (the numbers girl in me still struggles with this!).


Because of this program, I no longer see myself as fat, but I see myself as muscular.


For a girl who hates change, there has been a lot of positive change in the last six months and I owe it all to Tessa and Amanda.


You guys get it and thank you for helping me to get it!!"

So now that you've seen how Reset & Transform can help you create the body transformation of your dreams...

You have a decision to make.

You can either continue to try to figure this on your own.

(Like I did, and it took me 15 years of struggling though miserable diets, endless cardio sessions and practically starving myself to realise exactly what I needed to do to get results.)

Or you can click the link below and sign up for the program that's been proven to help you re-ignite your metabolism and create lifelong body transformation results!

🤩 🤩 🤩

You'll look back on this day in a few short months from now, when your clothes are fitting better, you're noticing changes when you look in the mirror and you're feeling stronger than ever before, wondering why you didn't take action on this sooner.


But before that can happen, you have to take the first step and click the link below to book your application call.

I can't wait to speak with you!

Inspire Fitness & Nutrition can not and does not make any guarantees about your ability to get results with our ideas, information, tools, programs or strategies. 


Nothing on this page, any of our websites, or any of our content is a promise or guarantee of results. Any results or transformations referenced here, or on any of our sites, are illustrative of concepts only and should not be considered average results, exact results, or promises for actual or future outcomes. Use caution and always consult your doctor or medical professional before acting on this or any information related to a health, fitness or lifestyle change.

You alone are responsible and accountable for your decisions, actions and results in life, and by your registration here you agree not to attempt to hold us liable for your decisions, actions or results, at any time, under any circumstance. 


This site is not a part of the Facebook website or Facebook Inc. Additionally, This site is NOT endorsed by Facebook in any way. FACEBOOK is a trademark of FACEBOOK, Inc.

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